The Worship Committee works “behind the scenes” to ensure that everything runs smoothly during our worship time together. The Worship Committee coordinates scripture readers, communion assistants, communion stewards, ushers, and greeters. They prepare the elements for communion, place candles, banners, and flowers in the sanctuary, and care for any other details that need attending to.
There are a number of areas connected to the worship services where people can serve. If interested in volunteering, please contact the church office.

Greeters put a friendly face on the church by greeting and warmly welcoming everyone who walks through the front doors. Volunteer greeters are needed each week – individuals, couples, or the whole family! What’s most important is to make everyone feel welcome.
Ushers greet visitors at the top of the stairs, hand out bulletins, help people find seats, assist people with wheelchairs, and collect and present the offering.
Bell Ringers
Young people serve as bell ringers. They ring the bell at the start of the 10:00 a.m. service.
Coffee Hour Host
Each week a volunteer host takes care of preparing the coffee and setting out the table with refreshments for coffee hour. The sign-up sheet is downstairs in the Friendship Hall.