So you are new to the Whitehouse UMC? Guess what? So were we! In fact, everyone here at Whitehouse UMC was new at some point or another. We understand that being new can sometimes create anxieties, even in us adults. Not knowing what to expect, where to park or even which doors to enter can often be a small road block for people. Well, rest assured that it is our intent to make visiting us easy and stress free. After all, the thought of attending church shouldn’t be apprehensive. So having said all that, let us help answer some questions.
“Which service should I attend?” We offer one Sunday service which is a more ‘traditional’ service at 10:00am. This service looks and feels much like what you would expect. We share Blessings and Concerns with each other, we sing many wonderful hymns and we usually have a time for the children, which we call the Children’s Sermon. Pastor Dianna will give an insightful and often challenging message rooted in the Word of God yet applicable to everyday life.
“What about children?” We’ve got that covered too. During the 10:00am service, children ages 3 – 10 are invited to come to the front of the church to hear the Children’s Sermon – a brief lesson from the pastor geared toward the little ones. Children are then invited to return to their seats to sit with you, we have provided baskets with coloring material along the sides towards the back
Upon arriving at Whitehouse UMC, you will find ample parking behind the church. Facing the church, the driveway entrance is to the immediate left. There is parking along the road, however we ask that much of it be reserved for elderly; out of respect.
Handicapped Access
There is a wheelchair accessible entrance on the left side of the building, close to the front. One inside you will find the elevator which will take you up to just outside the Sanctuary. We have two elevators in the church, making all levels of the church wheelchair accessible. There is also space in the sanctuary designated for wheelchairs.
There is no shortage of work being done on behalf of the Lord. We offer many areas of ministry where the opportunities to serve flourish. Use the menu at the top and take a look at some of them. If you find something that interest you, let us know!
If, after you’ve had the chance to read more about us and what we believe, and have any questions please let us know by dropping us an email or calling us at (908)534-2064.
When and if you do decide to come to one of our Sunday morning services, be sure to plan to stick around for a few minutes after for our Coffee Fellowship. It’s a quick opportunity for you to meet us, ask questions and learn ways to get plugged in. Coffee Fellowship is only after the 10:00am service.
Thanks again for stopping by, we hope to see you soon!