Greetings in the name of Jesus and thank you for visiting our website. We invite you to come and meet us in person. Our regular Sunday worship service is 10 AM, every Sunday morning, but there is plenty going on at the Whitehouse United Methodist Church (WUMC) and we welcome your engagement in any of our activities.
WUMC is a community of believers who are consciously and actively seeking to grow in faith and simultaneously live that faith out in the world, locally and globally. We believe that an active faith life is the path to the best life possible, regardless of one’s circumstances.
WUMC is a welcoming and inclusive community. If you need a place to belong, come and join us. If you need to feel the love and presence of God, come and join us. If you are seeking and not sure what you believe, come and join us. You are welcome here. No matter who you are, and no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
As best as we are able, the people who are the WUMC seek to follow the path that Jesus has set before us. Acknowledging our human frailty, we understand that we are works-in-progress. We seek not to judge, or to be judged, but through living in community, do our best to build God’s kingdom here on earth. That’s work we’d welcome your help with.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Rob