Sacrament of Baptism
We believe that baptism is a symbol of new life and a sign of God’s love and forgiveness of sins. Through baptism we are joined with the church and with Christians everywhere. Persons of any age may be baptized, and this is done through sprinkling or pouring. A person receives the sacrament of baptism only once in his or her life.
Individuals wishing to be baptized, or parents wishing to have their child baptized, may contact the church secretary at (908) 534-2064, or email the Pastor. For infant baptisms, it is encouraged, but not required, that at least one parent be an active participant in the life of the church. Parents will meet with the pastor for counseling and guidance sessions prior to the baptism. Baptisms take place during our 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning service. Family and friends are welcome to attend this joyous occasion.
Couples wishing to be married at the church may contact the church secretary at (908) 534-2064, or email the Pastor Church membership is not required. Couples will meet with the pastor for counseling and guidance sessions prior to the wedding.
The Whitehouse United Methodist Church is available for funerals and memorial services. Church membership is not required. Please contact the church secretary at (908) 534-2064, or email the Pastor. The downstairs Friendship Hall is available as a reception venue, if needed.